Wednesday Wit: August 3, 2011

Eli: Ada, guess what.  At school we saw the play “Beauty and the Beast” and the Beauty kisses the Beast!
Grace: Ewww, that’s just scary gross.
Ada: Well we got to go see Princesses on Ice!  Eli, you should have come!
Grace: Yeah Eli, we got to have cotton candy!  Boys can come too, you know.
Eli: I know, because there’s terrorists.

Ada: I want to listen to the Chicken Dance!
Me: I said you could when we’re on the way home.
Ada: But I’m not patient.
I wish you could have heard how she said this…not at all whiny or defiant, just matter of fact.  She was just letting us know. 

While at Pine Lake Saturday, Ada spied the 30-foot “Tower” diving platform…
Ada: I’m going over there.
And she was on her way.  Don’t worry, we quickly stopped her.

Eli: I can see my bangs!  You know, the blue lines in my hand!
Me: You mean your vvvveins.
Ada: They’re called blood lines.
Me: Actually, they’re called veins.
Ada: Eli, they’re called blood lines.