Monthly Archives: April 2011

Niceness Update

I wrote last week about being nice to your spouse, and I wanted to follow through with an update.  I think/hope I’m doing pretty well, knowing that I need to write an update was good incentive!

We did hit one speed bump last Wednesday at soccer practice.  It was freezing and raining and there were puddles everywhere and it was 90 MINUTES LONG.  The girls didn’t want to be there, we didn’t want to be there, and best of all, Eli didn’t want to be there – it was his practice.  He kept asking how much longer, he kept standing … Read the rest

My Unexpected Response

I had an appointment with my ENT this morning, where I thought we were going to schedule my second sinus surgery.  I didn’t want to have this surgery.  I’ve been praying for healing, but I’ve been making preparations for my kids in case I have the surgery because that’s what moms do.

The doctor came in, reviewed the results of my CT scan, and said he didn’t think the surgery was necessary yet.  I started crying.  What??  Yep.  I started crying.  I’ve basically had a sinus infection for six months.  Last April when I had the surgery, I … Read the rest

It’s Simply Fact

Easter 2008

My kids love Jesus.  I’m not saying that as a bragging mother (well alright, a little), but it’s just a fact – to them especially.  Facts about the Bible are exactly that to them – facts.  They share them as openly as what they ate for breakfast.  There is no embarrassment, no awkwardness, no concern that they might offend anyone.  The thought that someone else doesn’t know about Jesus or even (gasp) love Him is astonishing to them.  They are a constant encouragement to me that I need to be just as bold with my faith. … Read the rest

Wednesday Wit: April 20, 2011


Me: How was school?
Ada: Horrible.
Me: Why??
Ada: They wouldn’t let me jump in puddles.
Me: I’m sorry you’re so sad.  Did you do any fun stuff?
Ada: I don’t want to talk about it anymore.

Ada: When I’m a grown up my hair will be pink.

Eli: Ninjas are awesome.
Chad: Jesus is more awesome.
Eli: Yeah, but ninjas can jump on top of trees.
Me: Yeah, but Jesus can walk on water.
Eli: I know, but ninjas can be really sneaky.
Me: Well, … Read the rest

Just Be Nice!

Why is it so hard to speak nicely to your spouse sometimes?  Is it because we live with them?  Is it because of the history?  Is it because we know how to push each other’s buttons better than anyone else?  I haven’t quite figured it out, but I’ve certainly witnessed it, experienced it, and been guilty of it.  But shouldn’t that be the person we’re nicest to???  Why am I nicer to my friends than I sometimes am to Chad?  It’s not right.

“Oh Janna, you’re not the only one.”  That doesn’t make it acceptable, that makes it an epidemic.… Read the rest

My Three Very, VERY Different Children

I’ve talked before with friends about how I have to be three different moms, given that I have three very different kids.  I was silly enough to think when I was pregnant with my third that I had it all down – although really, I hadn’t even potty-trained anyone yet, what was there to have down already?  The thing is, it doesn’t matter.  None of them are the same in any way about anything.  Let me give you some examples.

Potty training
Grace took several attempts, but once she got it it was very quick, really she had it in … Read the rest

What is HAPPENING???

Lately I’ve felt that we’re in a pretty good place with parenting.  We’re being consistent, we’re staying calm, we’re not reacting, we’re not engaging in their fits or boundary-challenging (ok, if you were with me Wednesday night, we hit a speed bump, but we made it to bedtime)… we’re in an upward trend.  Here’s what I’m learning about upward trends: the kids don’t like it.  They want to be the ones in control, not us.  They want to see if we mean what we say.  They want to see if they can find the right combination of buttons to push … Read the rest

My Momma Decrees

We’re sort of a house of one-liners.  A friend of mine once said she pictured me walking around with flash cards I could just hold up as needed.  Here are some of my favorites.  My kids know them pretty well.

It’s my turn to eat.

Crying won’t make me change my mind.

If no one’s bleeding, you need to figure it out on your own.

If you didn’t throw up, go back to bed.

You won’t get in trouble for being mad, you will get in trouble for being disrespectful.

If you wipe your mouth (or nose) on your shirt … Read the rest

Loving a Stubborn Woman, Part 1

In Small Group last week we discussed times where we didn’t obey God right away, but eventually agreed.  I have a list of such times.  Perhaps you don’t know me very well… I’m stubborn.  Sometimes it’s because I know I’m right.  Sometimes it’s because I think I’m right.  Sometimes it’s because you don’t have the authority to tell me I’m wrong or I can’t.  I’d like to think that as I mature I’ve learned to rein that third one in.  (Although it’s what helps me mother Ada – now you understand her a little more!)

Anyway… whenever the Holy Spirit … Read the rest