I’ve Been Sick (subtitle: My Husband is Awesome)

Today is day five of no appetite.  I try to make myself eat something, because I still need to function, then I always feel a little queasy.   It’s like I’m living in the “day after the stomach flu” world.  I’m tired, weak, and my back and stomach muscles a-c-h-e.

I’ll get to Chad’s awesomeness in a minute, first dig through the mud with me.
It started Tuesday.  I didn’t sleep well the whole night before, then I woke up Tuesday morning, got up planning to make everyone breakfast as usual, but instead got right back into bed.  I asked Chad to email one of the pastors at work that I wasn’t coming in, and if he could take the kids to school.  There was no question – of course he could.  
For the past five days, Chad has cooked supper, done dishes, carried laundry up and down for me, put the kids to bed on his own, let me nap on the couch for hours.  He never once complained.  He never once sighed when I went back to the couch.  He never once slammed the dishes around when emptying the dishwasher again…. like someone else around here does sometimes.
He loved me, he served me, he took care of me, he managed our family.  
And I get to love him back all the days of my life.  
I will sing the Lord’s praise, for he has been good to me.  Psalm 13:6

2 thoughts on “I’ve Been Sick (subtitle: My Husband is Awesome)

  1. Ohh.. That's so sweet of Chad. He's also like my husband who's always there for me through the good and bad times of my life. And when he's sick, I also do the same for him. Recently, he had a very high fever, and so we went to the doctor to give him proper medication and treatments. While we were there, I would always assure him that he's going to be okay. He looks like a baby at that time, which is so sweet and adorable!

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