Monthly Archives: February 2011

Growth Requirements

The Parable of the Sower has popped up a few different times lately, so I’ve been thinking about it a lot.  In order to hear and understand the Word of God, we need to be good soil, ready for the seed.  My thought process then makes a turn and asks, “What does it take to grow a seed?”  Many of you didn’t grow up in Esmond, Illinois (so sad for you) surrounded by fields and farms.  So we’ll go with grass.

One of the requirements for grass to grow is sun.  There is a patch of grass in our front … Read the rest

Wednesday Wit: February 23, 2011

Ada: I know how to say the Pledge of Allegiance.
Me: Good job!
Ada: I pledge allegiance……. under God, invisavle…..  Did you know that God is invisavle?!? (I think she means invisible)

This conversation has been edited….
Ada: Why do daddies have hair in their armpits and mommies don’t?
Me: Mommies have hair there too, but we shave it all off.
Ada: Why?
Me: Because someone decided a long time ago we didn’t have enough work to do.
Ada: So when I’m an ee-dult (that’s how she says adult) Eli will have hair … Read the rest

Fighting With Purpose

Our church is doing a series on “Fighting For Marriage”, and this week is about fighting.  It inspired some thinking…

Chad and I don’t fight a lot.  Our last really big one was probably last spring.  Honestly.  We have random pointless “skirmishes” about dishes and sharing the work-load like anyone else, but I’m talking the big, yelling, take a break and come back to it later fights.  We used to fight more, and about less important things, but we’ve learned how to fight with purpose through our 11 1/2 years of marriage.  So in this post, you’re getting my introspective … Read the rest

Wednesday Wit: February 16, 2011

Me: Stop bothering each other and pushing each other’s buttons!
Ada: Like belly buttons?

Me: I have the hiccups!
Ada: Did you get them from me?
Me: No, I got them from drinking pop.
Ada: Wellll … I think you should stop drinking pop then.

Mister Rogers: Do you ever wonder how people make crayons?
Ada: (Nodding) Yeah.  I do a lot.… Read the rest

Survival Mode

You know what that means.  You know how that feels.  We’ve all been there.  I was there last week.  ALL week.  We camped there.  All three of my children had fevers for 5 days, 2 of those were when we got 12 inches of snow.  So not only were they sick, we were home-bound.

I suppose the silver lining could be that they were all sick at the same time, and I didn’t have one sick kid a week for three weeks.  But.  It gets sort of tricky keeping track of three children’s fevers, cold medicine dosage and times, and … Read the rest

Can You Take My Order Please???

I stopped by Arby’s today to pick up some lunch for Chad and I.  The line was slow, the wait was long, and people were growing more and more irritated.  I’m not exactly sure why, but when people around me get impatient, I tend to get more patient and smile at them.  It probably bugs them.  But I remembered something Pastor Stan says regularly: when there’s a fire, you can either throw a bucket of gasoline or a bucket of water on it.  There was a fire in the Arby’s line, and most people were getting refills of gasoline.  One
Read the rest

Wednesday Wit: February 2, 2011

Me: Today we’re going to a different Sonrise Church, the one where your friend Ella goes.
Ada: There is another Sonrise Church?!?  I didn’t know this!  I am surprised!!

Grace: I wish I had spy gadgets so I could spy on Eli and Ada.
Ada: (with arms folded, peering over her glasses) You mean so you and I could spy on Eli!

Me: Someone forgot to flush.
Ada: I think it was Eli.
Me: Well, when he forgets he usually leaves the seat up, but it’s down.
Ada: Well…. you know….. boys … Read the rest