Monthly Archives: August 2010

Wedding Plans

My sister is engaged.  Have I mentioned that?  It’s so incredible.  So yesterday I left home at 5:20, went into Chicago for a boat ride on the Chicago River and Lake Michigan with Heather and her college students (she’s the Director of Student Activities at Trinity College).  It was awesome.  Then bright and early this morning we got up and starting talking wedding.

We left promptly at 8:20, got Starbucks, and drove to Vernon Hills to meet my mom at Target so she could finish registering.  Then a quick trip to Bed Bath & Beyond to see the dishes and … Read the rest

Wednesday Wit: August 25, 2010

Eli’s super hero moves

Ada: Momma, will you hold me while I do a flip off the footstool?
Me: No, that’s not safe.
Ada: WHAT?? Are you nuts?
Me: NO!  Are YOU nuts?
Ada: No… maybe dad is.

Me: I’m glad you went to the store with me today.
Ada: I’m glad you gave me a chocolate chip cookie piece at the store. (bakery sample)

Eli: I’m saving the last piece of gum for my NEW great grandpa.
Me: Who’s your new great grandpa?
Eli: Rich!
Me: No, Eli, Rich is your new uncle. (Sorry, Rich.)

(Ada’s playing baseball … Read the rest

First Day of School

How do I love thee, let me count the ways….

That’s right.  I’m one of those moms.  I love the first day of school.  I was giddy this morning.  I thought back to the Cosby Show when Cliff and Claire did an orange juice toast to this glorious day, when summer break was over and for 6 1/2 wonderful hours there were no fights to break up.

At our house, Chad goes in late because he likes to go with me to drop them off.  He’s so awesome.  So not only is it the first day of school, but I … Read the rest

Explaining Stretch Marks

One of the side effects of losing 25 pounds (thank you WW) is that many of my pants ride a little low.  So when I stood up and stretched yesterday, my stretch marks were visible.  Ada (of course it was Ada) noticed them.

“What are these white lines on your tummy?”

Now all three children have gathered around for an impromptu and unwanted show and tell.

“Wow!  Cool!  Those look weird!  They’re kind of shiny!  What are they?”

“Well, when you have kids, your tummy gets pretty big right?  Well, when your tummy gets big like that your skin has … Read the rest

Wednesday Wit: August 18, 2010

My Wednesday posts will start featuring funny things from all three kids, so I decided to rename them “Wednesday Wit”.  Enjoy.

Eli:  When I get older, I’m still going to live with you guys.  Even after I’m married.  (Good luck, Buster)

Eli:  Guess what I get to do at Heather’s wedding!!  I get to carry her earrings!
Chad:  No, you’ll carry her ring.
Eli:  AAHHH!!  Her ring!!  That’s what I meant to say!  I just got carried away! (belly laughing throughout)

Ada:  You can’t eat those potatoes!  There’s grass on them!  (It was dill)

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Wednesday Wit: August 15, 2010

Ada had an attitude as early as 2

I’m sitting here on the laptop, and Ada won’t stop talking.  It’s getting pretty funny now, so I thought I’d send it out for you all to enjoy.  Keep in mind, this is all constant, no breaks…

“Mom, why are you typing?  Why did you hit that button?  Your nails are too long.  Maybe you should cut them.  When I get older I will wear that shirt you’re wearing.  Girls don’t wear ties or bow ties.  Grace taught me that.  Boys wear boy stuff and girls wear girl stuff.  A-D-A!  That’s my … Read the rest

Thou Shalt Not Tickle Me

I’m very ticklish, and I HATE to be tickled.  I will get violent when tickled.  Chad’s been kicked in a “tender spot” more than once purposefully, so he doesn’t tickle me very often.  Tonight he decided was the night to give it another try.

He’s 6’2″, so he’s got long arms and can trap me pretty easily, and hold both of my wrists with one hand.  He had me down, and was tickling me.  I was scratching him and hitting his side with my elbow as hard as I could (See?  I told you.) but he wasn’t stopping.  I couldn’t … Read the rest

Wednesday Wit: August 11, 2010

Ada is in time out here for opening
Eli’s present without him.

Hey Mom, I want a rainbow donut, a rainbow muffin, aaaaaand a rainbow cake. OH! And a rainbow muffin holder. Can you make those for me?

Mom, I tricked everyone in town. I’m not four-and-a-half…… I’M FOUR!!!

(Ada was loudly slurping her milk at the end of her cereal, and I laughed a little.  She looked at me over her giant green bowl)
That was me. 🙂

Me: Ada, I’m tired of you talking back to me.
Ada:  Well I’m tired of YOUUUUUUU yelling at me!
(Alright, that

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A Little Perspective Never Hurts

We had a very exciting anniversary supper Saturday night at Red Robin with our 3-ring circus in tow, and I got a little perspective. While our children were quietly enjoying their onion rings, mozzarella sticks, and chocolate milk (yes, that’s what I feed my kids at restaurants), at the table in front of me was an 18 month-old whose mom was making a bottle for her. And at the table to my left was a 2 year-old wearing a bib who kept spilling his drink, taking the straw out, and climbing on everyone. It was at that moment that I … Read the rest

Post Vacation Stress Disorder

That’s a thing, right?

So here’s a glimpse into the kind of mother I really am. When we drove to Valparaiso to meet my parents and get the kids, I wasn’t waiting in anticipation, eager to get my little lovelies back. I wasn’t longing to hug them. I was thinking, “But my house is clean. The dishes are done. The laundry is done. Their beds are made. The bathrooms are clean. The toilets are actually flushed.”
For three full days, we were quiet and calm. We could be crazy if we wanted to, but we didn’t want to. Because,
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